Sunday, December 2, 2012

Polar Ice Sheets Shrinking Worldwide, Study Confirms

Polar ice sheets are shrinking quite fast. This is causing the water levels to rise drastically everywhere. The effects, according to an international team, are equally clear sea levels faster than predicted, which could bring about disastrous effects for people and wildlife.Rising seas would increase the risk of catastrophic flooding like that caused by Hurricane Sandy last month in New York and New Jersey. 

I was interested in this article because of the I catching photo of the Ice. I Then read the article then was interested in it because of the fact that the ocean levels were rising quickly because of the Polar ice sheets melting.This can be related to my life because the next time I go to a beach it might be in a different place then it use to be or it might not even be there because of the ocean level rising. This would fall under the Environment area of interaction. Because it is how our environment is effecting us and also caring because it is caring about the rise of the ocean

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane sandy

My article was on the hurricane sandy and how it went about in the north east. The article was very long and elaborate about how it went about and the damage it made there . I was interested by the article because of the storm being very current. And my mothers cousin being caught in the middle of the hurricane. This article falls under the environment Area of Interaction. This is because the hurricane was part of the environment and affected a lot of environments and changed the quite well.

Hurricane sandy a storm that started in the the atlantic ocean .The storm was on monday night. That night just happened to be the full moon resulting in already high tide that evening. With the the storm surge the Hurricane was extremely powerful. The hurricane must have seemed as though it was category one but it had a storm surge and power of category two. The storm had a cold front behind and warm front in the front powering it even more on land. The storm itself cause 20 billion dollars of damage. 9 billion just because of the wind and claimed 12 lives. The storm wind was magnified immensely in New York because of the tall sky scrapers making the wind push itself even faster through the gaps of the towers.

Monday, October 1, 2012



      There is an article on the weather in national geographic magazine the magazine article's statistic show the Air temperature, the humidity, heat waves, extreme rainfalls. All of these have risen and still are rising at a fast rate. This is causing the ice to melt and making the whole world a little warmer, more moist , and more rainy.

      Over the past 50 years the weather in the world has gotten very different. The weather is not suppose to change this drastically on its own. It is changing because of the things we influence it with. Such as polluting the ground and even shoveling the ground.we have effected the natural weather with our inventions over the past 50 years.

      This connects with daily life as I have actually noticed these things happen. I believe Have observed that the humidity as well as the heat and rainfall have been affected majorly. We have started to not get as bad winters and we have started to get less rain this all leads to os and our air pollution. This article interested me as it was about the world's weather and it was about us effecting the weather.The Area of interaction used for this would be environments. This would be because it is about our environments.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Yartsa Gunbu in a hand of a ten year old girl.
     The people of tibet of tibet have been discovering and  harvesting these fungi.When you find the fungus you will be extremely proud of yourself. Why would Anyone be proud of finding a fungus? Well this is not any regular fungus it is very expensive one,  a pound of top quality fungi is worth 50,000 dollars. This is twice their weight in gold.                      

     The yartsa gunbu is started of from a ghost moth. The moth starts the cycle of the yartsa gunbu by laying eggs in the ground. The larva hatches from the eggs and it starts to burrow down as it is burrowing down it is infected by spores from full grown yartsa gunbu . The fungus makes the moth to barely rise back to the surface, While the larva is about to make it out of the ground it dies from the spore, the spore then will take the larva's  organs leaving the exoskeleton . It will then make a small thin mushroom at the surface that is 3-4 inches tall.The mushroom will then shoot more spores into the air and start the process all over again.

     The article that in the national geographic magazine is very interesting. I was interested in the Article when I first saw the one pound is 50,000 dollars. It was very intriguing to me.The spore was very famous for it's healing abilities . The Spore is prescribed for many different diseases even HIV.The spore can't be farmed it can only be found in the Tibetan fields. This is related to life in America because it would be able to effect the economy for us.

    I think that the Area of interaction that was used int this was Environments. I believe that the Environment was why the people were able to get the spores. The spore can not be domesticated so it is in there Environment. They have to find the fungus on there feet.