Sunday, December 2, 2012

Polar Ice Sheets Shrinking Worldwide, Study Confirms

Polar ice sheets are shrinking quite fast. This is causing the water levels to rise drastically everywhere. The effects, according to an international team, are equally clear sea levels faster than predicted, which could bring about disastrous effects for people and wildlife.Rising seas would increase the risk of catastrophic flooding like that caused by Hurricane Sandy last month in New York and New Jersey. 

I was interested in this article because of the I catching photo of the Ice. I Then read the article then was interested in it because of the fact that the ocean levels were rising quickly because of the Polar ice sheets melting.This can be related to my life because the next time I go to a beach it might be in a different place then it use to be or it might not even be there because of the ocean level rising. This would fall under the Environment area of interaction. Because it is how our environment is effecting us and also caring because it is caring about the rise of the ocean